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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Dastardly Mrs. Warren

Elizabeth Warren is a Democrat running for the Senate from Massachusetts. She still has to go through a Democratic primary, but she is the strong favorite to win the primary and go up against Republican Scott Brown, who currently holds the seat, in 2012.

Judging from the video above, just released by the Massachusetts Republican party, this Elizabeth Warren person is one scary woman. The shaky video, the blurred images, and the incessant drumbeat makes it clear that she is someone who is a clear and present danger to society. And to drive the point home, they are careful to note that she is the worst thing you can call someone - a Harvard professor!

But not only is she an evil Harvard professor, she is also prone to violence, which is clearly demonstrated by her stated desire to "throw rocks" at certain people. Those darn Harvard professors and their wily use of metaphors! Gee, if only the people that made this video had had an opportunity for a higher education, they might have been able to comprehend how a metaphor works!

In any event, judging from the anti-Wall Street mood of the country these days, Elizabeth Warren may be just the kind of senator people are looking for - someone who is a street fighter, someone who will stand up to Wall Street and corporate interests on behalf of the consumer. She was, after all, the woman responsible for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a new agency designed to make sure that consumers don't get screwed in their dealings with the big money boys. Anyone who has had a bad experience with their credit card company (which is pretty much everybody) can thank Mrs. Warren for forcing those companies to change the way they do business.

The video below should give you a much clearer picture of who Elizabeth Warren is. Although it's a very funny satire, I think it captures her spirit: "My name is Elizabeth Warren and I am running for United States Senate to fuck some shit up!"

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